Valence Chemistry

  1. Valence Number
  2. Valence Chemistry Table
  3. Chemical Valence
  4. Valence Chemistry Meaning
  • Science AP®︎/College Chemistry beta Atomic structure and properties Valence electrons and ionic compounds Valence electrons and ionic compounds Worked example: Finding the formula of an ionic compound.
  • Valence, in chemistry, refers to a number assigned to elements that reflects their ability, or capacity, to react (combine) with other elements. It also refers to the type of reactions the element will undergo.

Valence bond (VB) theory assumes that all bonds are localized bonds formed between two atoms by the donation of an electron from each atom. This is actually an invalid assumption because many atoms bond using delocalized electrons. In molecular oxygen VB theory predict that there are no unpaired electrons. VB theory does a good job of qualitatively describing the shapes of covalent compounds. While Molecular Orbital (MO) theory is good for understanding bonding in general. It is more difficult to learn, but predicts the actual properties of molecules better than VB theory. MO theory actually predicts electron transitions because of the differences in the energy levels of orbitals in the molecule. MO theory has been more correct in numerous instances and for this reason it is preferred.

Valence Bond theory describes covalent bond formation as well as the electronic structure of molecules. The theory assumes that electrons occupy atomic orbitals of individual atoms within a molecule, and that the electrons of one atom are attracted to the nucleus of another atom. This attraction increases as the atoms approach one another until the atoms reach a minimum distance where the electron density begins to cause repulsion between the two atoms. This electron density at the minimum distance between the two atoms is where the lowest potential energy is acquired, and it can be considered to be what holds the two atoms together in a chemical bond.

There are 7 valence electrons because the highest energy level, 3, has 7 total electrons (5 plus 2 is 7). For calcium, which has an atomic number of 20 and therefore 20 electrons, find calcium on.

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  • Hybridization
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  • Hybridization II
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  • Overview of Valence Bond Theory
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  • Resonance
    Resonance structures are used when a single Lewis structure cannot fully describe the bonding; the combination of possible resonance structures is defined as a resonance hybrid, which represents the overall delocalization of electrons within the molecule. In general, molecules with multiple resonance structures will be more stable than one with fewer and some resonance structures contribute more to the stability of the molecule than others - formal charges aid in determining this.

What does Valence mean in chemistry?

1 Answer

Valence is a term that deals with the electrons that are most typically involved in the bonding characteristics of an atom. These electrons are found in the s and p orbitals of the highest energy level of the electron configuration for the element.

The valence shell can hold 2 electrons in the s orbital representing the first two columns of the periodic table and 6 electrons in the p orbital found in columns 13 - 18 of the periodic table.

Some examples would include:


Valence Number

Mg #1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2# Magnesium has 2 valence electrons in the 3s orbital.

Valence Chemistry Table

Se #[Ar] 4s^2 3d^10 4p^4# Selenium has 6 valence electrons in the 4s and 4p orbitals.

Each element in the periodic table will have the same number of valence electrons as the elements in the same column. All Alkai Metals (Li, Na, K, Rb) have 1 valence electron. All Halogens (F.Cl, Br, I) have 7 valence electrons. All of the Noble Gases (Ne, Ar, Kr Xe) will have 8 valence electrons and fulfill the #Rull of Octet#.

Chemical Valence

Atoms try to gain or lose electrons to fulfill the #Rule of Octet# for the 8 electrons that can fill the s and p orbitals. An atom can take on electrons and become an negatively charged anion or can lose electrons and become a positively charged cation. Or atoms can share valence electrons during bonding.

Valence Chemistry Meaning


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