Backblaze B2 Nextcloud


There are several ways to setup Nextcloud. One setup I thought would be the best way to setup a S3 compatible object storage as the primary storage for Nextcloud on a VPS. So I have setup a Digitalocean droplet with Backblaze B2 but the problem is that the it was rather slow as the primary storage when there are lot of objects in a folder. NextCloud's object storage support seems to rely on Amazon S3's MultipartUpload which doesn't have an exact equivalent in BackBlaze B2. It isn't a Minio issue because uploading objects to B2 through the Minio web interface or using s3cmd does work.

Backblaze B2 Price
# NextCloud to BackBlaze B2 Backup Script
# Author: Autoize (
# This script creates an incremental backup of your NextCloud instance at BackBlaze's off-site location.
# BackBlaze B2 is an object storage service that is much less expensive than using Amazon S3 for the same purpose, with similar versioning and lifecycle management features.
# Uploads are free, and storage costs only $0.005/GB/month compared to S3's $0.022/GB/month.
# Requirements
# - BackBlaze B2 account (10 GB Free) - Create one at
# - Python 3.x and Python PIP - sudo apt-get install python3 && wget && sudo python3
# - BackBlaze B2 CLI installed from PyPI - sudo pip install b2
# Instructions
# 1. Insert the following line in your NextCloud config.php file above the ); to move the cache above each user's data directory.
# If /media/external/CloudDATA is not your data directory, substitute the relevant directory before /cache.
# 'cache_path' => '/media/external/CloudDATA/cache',
# 2. Create a bucket and obtain your Account ID and Application Key from your B2 account.
# 3. Authenticate your CLI using the b2 authorize_account command.
# 4. Save this script to a safe directory such as /srv/ and make it executable with the following command.
# sudo chmod +x
# 5. This script must be run as root. To run a backup now:
# sudo ./
# 6. Set up a cron job to run this backup on a predefined schedule (optional).
# sudo crontab -u root -e
# Add the following line to the crontab to conduct a weekly backup every Saturday at 2:00am.
# 0 2 * * sat root sh /srv/ > /srv/backupToB2.log
# Save, quit and check that the crontab has been installed using the following command.
# sudo crontab -u root -l
# Name of BackBlaze B2 Bucket
# Path to NextCloud installation
# Path to NextCloud data directory
# MySQL/MariaDB Database credentials
# Check if running as root
if [ '$(id -u)'!='0' ];then
echo'This script must be run as root'1>&2
exit 1
date +'%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y'
# Put NextCloud into maintenance mode.
# This ensures consistency between the database and data directory.
sudo -u www-data php $nextcloud_dir/occ maintenance:mode --on
# Dump database and backup to B2
mysqldump --single-transaction -h$db_host -u$db_user -p$db_pass$db_name> nextcloud.sql
b2 upload_file $b2_bucket nextcloud.sql NextCloudDB/nextcloud.sql
rm nextcloud.sql
# Sync data to B2, then disable maintenance mode
# NextCloud will be unavailable during the sync. This will take a while if you added much data since your last backup.
# If /media/external/CloudDATA is not your data directory, modify the --excludeRegex flag accordingly, which excludes the NC cache from getting synced to B2.
b2 sync --excludeRegex '/media/external/CloudDATA/cache/.*'$data_dir b2://$b2_bucket$data_dir
sudo -u www-data php $nextcloud_dir/occ maintenance:mode --off
date +'%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y'
Backblaze b2 storageBackblaze B2 Nextcloud

Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage


Backblaze B2 Storage

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